So then. I've worked with Jeron (Jørund) Gundersen for many years now. From my previous post I mentioned going to Bergen to meet HP Gundersen upon his request after hearing my music. Jeron and HP are not related.
What I did not know about HP Gundersen:
-He is one of the main people responsible for discovering talent in Bergen.
-He spent a large portion of the last 10 years as one of Norway's best producers, producing artists like Sondre Lerche, Mari Persen, Ane Brun and discovered and mentored many others earning him the title "Godfather of the Bergen wave of pop music".
-He has now retreated from the Pop world and started a new musical project revolving around the drone guitar (guitar in which 5 strings are tuned in D and one in A) and is starting a musical academy on this new approach to playing and composing.
-He knows more influential and brilliant musicians spanning the last few decades than anyone i've met in Norway.
He set me up in a studio owned by Daniel Birkeland to start recording a new album with drummer Mette Matheisen (Jeff Lynne of ELO's drummer of choice) and Daniel on bass. Then passed over the reigns and away we flew. Will take the recordings to Bye Bye land to finish. Thanks HP!
HP Gundersen:
Drone Pop:
Electric Light Orchestra:
Traveling Wilbury's:
Mette Mathiesen's original band: